Tag Archives: lupus

#YoungPersonTuesday 5.22.18

I seem to always be super busy on Tuesdays but I’m going to get better! This late #YoungPersonTuesday post is dedicated to one of my students, Maria Gil. She’s a very dedicated and humble queen who’s trying to better her lives and the lives of those around her. It has been a particularly trying year for her but she’s still here! Her persistence and optimism in the face of constant turmoil is inspiring. She has many causes that are near and dear to her but her favorite one to support is the Lupus foundation. If the spirit moves you, please use  this link and donate to the cause in her name. Let’s lift this #YoungQueen up in love and support #youngqueentuesday #YoungQueenTuesday #YOUNGQUEENTUESDAY #YOUNGPERSONTUESDAY

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